Mike Lyddon and his latest indie film, a documentary on pre-code comic books of the 1950s called Haunted Thrills, and official entry in the Horror Bowl Movie Awards.
Dateline: Punjab, India
Filmmaker Mike T. Lyddon’s (Witch Tales, First Man on Mars) latest documentary on 1950s pre-code horror comic books called HAUNTED THRILLS (2021) is an official selection of the HORROR BOWL MOVIE AWARDS in Punjab, India.
The Horror Bowl is a popular event celebrating its fourth year recognizing a wide variety of indie horror and genre films from across the globe.
Lyddon’s film is a companion piece to his previous feature WITCH TALES that made the festival rounds in 2019/2020 as an official entry in 12 festivals worldwide and garnering several awards including Best Feature Film and Best B-Movie. It was released in the summer of 2020 on blu-ray and is available direct on Amazon, Ebay, Etsy, and Lyddon’s own website, horroranthologymovies.com.
For more information, please visit the Ebay page where the film is on sale bundled with Mike Lyddon’s HORROR ANTHOLOGY MOVIE VOL. 1.