Titan Comics CONAN The BARBARIAN #3 PLUS Sneak Peek At NEW Conan Series

CONAN The Barbarian 3 Titan Comics featuring DEMONIC CULTISTS and a SNEAK PEEK Issue 5 NEW CONAN SERIES.  Watch NEW Video.
Horror Mike takes a good look at the brand new Issue 3 of Titan Comics’ Conan the Barbarian series written by Jim Zub and drawn by Roberto de la Torre. Also, a recap of issue number 2 AND a sneak peek at the NEW SERIES that begins with Conan the Barbarian #5.
Greetings friends. Today we are looking at the 2023 Conan the Barbarian issue #3 from Titan comics written Jim Zub and drawn by Roberto de la Torre with a recap of the story in issue #2.
Also, we will take a sneak peek at the NEW series that begins with issue #5. Who’s involved in the series? Stick around and find out!
conan-barbarian-2-splash1First an issue #2 recap. Conan and Brissa the pict find themselves on the trail of the Lost Tribe and finally reach an ominous, towering structure called THE FORTRESS. Issue 2 is heavier on exposition and lighter on action, and while Conan doesn’t have a bone to pick, he does have a Pict to bone heh.

conan-barbarian-3-coverIssue 3 finds Conan and Brissa venturing inside the fortress and it doesn’t take long for revelations to be made and battles to be fought, in particular with a group of demonic cultists.
Dean White takes over as colorist for this issue and he does a fine job. As usual, Jim Zub’s writing is spot on channeling that Robert E. Howard vibe albeit with a modern slant while the artwork of Rob de la Torre continues to impress. At times it’s like reading one of the first issues of Creepy or Eerie magazine with Frazetta, Orlando, Reed Crandall, Angelo Torres, and the gang doing art in the mid to late 1960s. As I’ve said before it’s also reminiscent of John Buscema’s style although the thing I really like about de la Torre is his ability to keep the art loose and not dwell too much on background details.
All in all, if you’re looking for more exciting action from this conan the barbarian series, Issue #3 will whet your cimmerian whistle!

So what about the next series? Good question, and I have a few good answers. First, let’s take a look at the covers for issue #5 that starts out the new series.
Conan the Barbarian #5 Covers and Solicit Revealed as a New Story Arc Begins:
Covers left to right by Liam R Sharp, Mike Deodato, Rob De la Torre, Subversive Girl, Patrick Zircher.
For me, there are two standouts with these covers. The first is de la torres beautiful piece featuring Conan and Belit who returns to the fold for a new adventure!
2nd, the cover featuring Belit by artist subversive girl has to striking Weird Tales pulp magazine vibe to it, if rendered in a more modern context.
The credits for issue 5 cite Jim Zub as writer and Doug Braithwaite as the artist.
conan-barbarian-6-cover-belit dan panosianOn this cover featuring Belit, Dan Panosian is the artist.

Here’s the scoop directly from the substack of Jim Zub – “Doug Braithwaite is drawing our second story arc (issues 5-8), a tragic and brutal caper that takes place after the classic Robert E. Howard tale Queen of the Black Coast, and he’s delivering career-defining pages of stirring emotion and gut-wrenching violence. The 4-part story is called Thrice Marked For Death and, if I may be so bold, you are not prepared for what gets unleashed here. Rob De La Torre has already begun work on pages for our third story arc – issues 9-12 (title still under wraps for now)”

So there you go, folks, it appears that de la torre will return for issue 9 after Braithwaite does issues 5 through 8.  Watch entire video!

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