Lovecraft Horror In Footage Found, Arabi

The fourth segment for Volume 1 of The Horror Anthology Movie is a strange one indeed. We are always on the lookout for authentic video or audio of Lovecraft or anything in that vein, and considering that no known film exists with the famous horror author, we were surprised when we received a mysterious package with some very interesting footage.
While we cannot say too much about this film now, we can tell you that it was apparently shot in Arabi, Louisiana during the week of June 9th, 1932 and it is a fact that H.P. Lovecraft was in New Orleans, Louisiana during that time..
lovecraft amulet found footage arabi
Creepy images from a New Orleans crypt in “Footage Found, Arabi.”
Strange happenings in an old Arabi house in "Footage Found, Arabi."
What really happened that night in 1932 at the old Warren house in Arabi?

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