Metal Hurlant 10 – Illustrated Sci-Fi Fantasy Magazine With Art by VOSS – Moebius – Druillet -Macedo
Today we are looking at Metal Hurlant 10 published in October of 1976 by Les Humanoids Associate.
Watch the original Metal Hurlant 10 video here.
Starting with Issue Number Nine, Metal Hurlant went monthly. Previously, it was a quarterly publication. A fantastic cover by the incredible Voss. You’ve seen Voss if you’ve watched my other Metal Hurlant and Heavy Metal magazine videos.
Metal Hurlant 10 is one of a few covers that Voss did for Metal Hurlant. The Conquering Femme Fatale hero who has just downed some kind of mutant dinosaur. Hailu always had the inside cover and they were a distributor of science fiction books as you can see the list here. Brian Aldiss, Isaac Asimov, Pierre Boulet, Arthur C Clarke, Phillip K Dick. Robert Heinlein, HP Lovecraft. Ted Sturgeon of course. Silverberg, Vonnegut…you name it.
Metal Hurlant 10 Contents
Then we have a short editorial with a great illustration by Serge Clerc and an ad for Hugo Pratt’s Fort wheeling series. Here’s a little one pager by Moebius featuring major Gruber. Contents page beginning with Major Gruber, then Psycho Rock by Macedo that’s pretty insane. Francois Rivieri Les labrantes. Moebius with “Is Man Good?” Return of the Book Eaters with a variety of writers here including Dionnet and Maneover. Le garage of course is the Airtight Garage of Jerry Cornelius by Moebius.
Dionnet comes up after that then we have Picaret and Tardi with Polonius chapter 3. Serge clerc presents Bing Crosby the Christmas Robot. Voss with Coincidence on page 56. Then we have artist Forrest on page 59 with the continuing Adventures of Roger Fringat by Loeb.
Metal Hurlant 10 Illustrated Sci-Fi Stories
We kick it off with the infamous Rock Blitz by Sergio Macedo. If you’ve seen my previous heavy metal videos you’ve seen this because it was reprinted in English in Heavy Metal magazine. Then we have “Is Man Good?” by Moebius. Sublime Line work by Mobius here for the Airtight Garage of Jerry Cornelius. Polonius Part Three is next, written by Picaret and drawn by Tardi.
Next we have some craziness by Serge Clerc. I always love Serge Clerc’s style, very loose and really fun. This one is called “Bing Crosby the Christmas robot in space” Then we have some primo VOSS with “La Coincidence.” His classic style always with the incredibly hot female forms. Here we have artist Forrest doing this story. The coloring is really quite good. You know it’s very loose very lewd and crude as you can see. It’s followed by The Adventures of Roger Fringat in 1976. And next we Alex doing a three or four pager.
Advert Page for Metal Hurlant Back Issues, Books, Posters
Here is the Metal Hurlant advert page featuring all of the issues to date of course issues seven, eight, and nine. I’ve already covered eight and nine folks, you can see it them in previous videos. They’ve got the books like The Illustrated Frazetta, Science Wonder Stories, Harzac by Moebius. If you can get your hands on some of these original Metal Hurlant posters, they’re they’re kind of on the rare side. Here’s a funky ad for Futureopolis. Nice detail on this pen and ink work on the back inside cover. On the back cover a full page ad for Rock and Folk magazine. That ends our look at this great Issue Number 10 of Metal Hurlant. I hope you enjoyed it. Please like And subscribe and I will talk to you soon.