In the latest video on the Horror Mike channel, we take a look at Carl Macek’s book “Heavy Metal: The Art of the Movie – Animation for the Eighties.”
This behind the scenes book examines the animation production behind one of the best animated films ever made with artists including Neal Adams, Mike Ploog, Juan Gimenez, Angus McKie, Howard Chakin, and more. Storyboards, models, rotoscoping techniques and character studies that shaped the look of the Heavy Metal movie are in the book published in 1981 by New York Zoetrope.
The book is broken into chapters reflecting the various stories including Soft Landing, Gremlins aka B-17, Grimaldi, So Beautiful and So Dangerous, Den, Harry Canyon, Captain Stern, and Taarna.
While the book is long out of print, you can buy used copies of Heavy Metal: The Art of the Movie here.